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The student council shall be the student government organization of Sankofa Freedom Academy Charter High School.  It shall be a body designed to serve the community of Sankofa, by providing and representative voice that allows students, staff members, and any interested party to maintain the right to have an influence and impact on the decisions of Sankofa Freedom Academy Charter High School.  This shall be the primary function of the council. 

Secondary functions, which shall be carried out when not in conflict with the primary purpose, include:


  1. The promotion of school spirit and unity by the support and preservation of activities and rules which are deemed beneficial to the student.

  2. Providing a link of communication between students, faculty, and administration.

  3. To oversee and make recommendations for charter of the clubs of Sankofa High.


The student council shall work as the legislative body of the student government.  The judiciary body of the student government will be represented by the assigned certified staff member, Sankofa administration and class officers (non-student council members who represent a specific student body).  The executive body will be represented by the assigned certified staff members and class officers.  Student council officers shall be elected within the council.  If class officers cease to exist, the student council shall occupy the legislative and judiciary branches of student government and will operate accordingly.  

@ 2021 Sankofa Freedom Academy Charter School

Home Website: WWW.SFACS.US

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